Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week Three Journal Writings, Crafting an Efficient Writer

"Observe a scene where people are interacting. You might choose a restaurant or a shopping mall. Sporting events and parks are also good places to observe people. Write 5-6 sentences describing this scene and underline the subjects of your sentences. Write a few sentences experimenting with using different types of pronouns from the tables in Unit 3. You will want to keep all of these sentences at hand as you do the writing activities for this unit."

The hostess stares nervously at the clock. The diners at the corner table show no signs of moving, even though they had finished their coffee and dessert. They didn't seem to notice or care about the long line of guests waiting at the door. Their table was nearly clear of dishes. Dining out was clearly not a strong point of theirs. Why won't they just leave? Most people can tell they when they're overstaying their welcome, but not these two. Please just leave

"In your journal, continue your observations of the scene observed in journal 1. Note several vivid action verbs that you have already used. Revise some of your sentences using action verbs and/or write 2-3 new sentences with action verbs. Try not to use any of the forms of “to be” (is, are, was, etc.). Underline the action verbs in your sentences. Again, you will want to keep all of these sentences at hand as you do the peer reviewed writing at the end of the unit."

"Their table was nearly clear of dishes." ---> Their waiter had cleared ever dish from the table.
"Dining out was clearly not a strong point of theirs." ---> Dining out displays the best and worst qualities of people.
"They flirt shamelessly." 

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