Sunday, October 6, 2013

What Am I Doing with HTML Again?

If anyone I've known for a long period of time happens to be reading this, they will most likely have an idea of my past with HTML. For those of you that don't, the long and short of it is that I used to run a website that belonged in the "e-zine" category back in the day. Mine was about music. Music e-zines eventually turned into more of a blog-styled kind of website, but when they were in their infancy they were band- and content-centered rather than relying on newsfeeds and forums. And as this evolution occurred, my knowledge of HTML did not.

So when I took a look at my thesis this weekend and turned to the annotated bibliography that I spent a few miserable weeks compiling, the last thing that should have entered my mind was building a website by hand to host a new, more thorough annotated bibliography of all the texts I read from here on out.

I hope no one has ever doubted that I am indeed manic depressive. If that previous paragraph doesn't display mania, I don't know what does. I have decided to do it in spite of that, though, and I am having a reasonable amount of frustrating fun re-learning the basics and seeing what has changed. The only real problem that has come with it is one that comes with that same slight mania that I just mentioned: it is a big project.

I want to have separate categories and also master lists and I want nearly all of it to link back to others. It's a pretty complicated thing. Which generally isn't a problem except that it's a huge undertaking, especially if I don't iron out the specifics before I start adding content. When the internet did away with frames, it brought more chaotic craziness into the lives of people like me who are not professional web developers but want to have a relatively decent website without having to change every single file every time I make a mistake. So, although I'm pretty certain I have the format down, I'm still not adding content which is very frustrating because I am generating content. I am not a very patient person.

Anyway, this post doesn't really serve a purpose I suppose, except to maybe inform whoever comes upon this blog that soon you will be able to keep up with everything I'm reading, with summaries, quotes, and all sorts of fun things.

I'm creating it mostly to keep track for my own purposes, I really hate forgetting that a book exists or what I liked about it and I really just want to have one place where I can look over it and remember. I decided that I didn't want it to be blog-style because I didn't want the entries to be so dependent upon date -- I wanted them to be listed by category and author while the date is hidden away just as a note. Although I do like services like GoodReads and still plan to use them, I don't want it to be a social event, just a list and a summary. So, that's that. Thanks for reading.

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